Voting is now open in our second and final vote for the #CoPowerBudget2023. On 10 June all customer members will receive an email from ElectionBuddy including […]
Submissions have now closed for project applications for our impact budget and ideas for our service budget. We’ve had over 10 inspiring project applications and over […]
Cooperative Power was founded in 2018 to put real power back in peoples’ hands. We built our cooperative to give people power over their energy bills, […]
Earlier this month, the Victorian Government opened another round of the Power Saving Bonus program. That means you can pocket $250 for signing up on the […]
As a democratic co-operative committed to building socially owned renewable energy and a just transition to the commons, CoPower is proud to announce our partnership with […]
This month, we made a partial payment of our total budget allocation to The Bunya Fund which is Australia’s first co-operative development fund as part of […]